Learn the best way to showcase your ideas


The writer of the original transcript suggests that writing about familiar ideas often leads to a revelation that one did not know it as well as they thought. Writing down thoughts is a difficult test as one might have to repeatedly rework phrases, revise concepts and work on the content. He challenges the commonly held assumption that anything one wrote would be accurate after it has been published. However, it is not just the written word which has gained accuracy rather the very same thoughts which have now been communicated through the written medium.


The writer explains that writing is difficult not merely because one must commit their ideas to precise language, but also because it requires precision. Reading what one has written is the true test of its clarity. One must be unbiased while assessing the accuracy of one’s own content from the vantage point of a reader. One can also read their writing aloud to someone else to get a better review of the same.

The writer recognises the possibility that some people might have thoughts that are so well-formed that they effortlessly flow into words. However, it is extremely rare to find people who claim to have been able to accomplish this, and even if they did, it would seem more like an evidence of their limits than of their skill.


It is possible to construct full concepts in your brain in clearly specified domains. For instance, mathematicians can perform arithmetic in their thoughts, but they don't always feel confident about proofs that go beyond a certain length unless they are written down. However, it appears like this is only feasible for concepts that can be expressed in formal language. One might still know a lot about concepts without writing anything about them. Unconscious information makes up a large percentage of knowledge, and specialists actually have more unconscious knowledge than novices.

Therefore the writer acknowledges that while writing is the greatest approach to investigate any concept, building actual buildings is perhaps the greatest method to examine one’s architectural ideas. Nevertheless however, writing about concepts will help one learn new things regardless of how much one learns by researching about them through other methods.


It is certain that verbalising thoughts wouldn’t always include writing and the conventional method of conversing would also be feasible. However, according to the writer, writing is the more rigorous examination as one must decide on a single, effective word order.  Additionally, one must also focus in a level that would be considered excessive in discussion. Thus, writing is the harder hill to climb if one wishes to push oneself to do things well.


Another very significant question that arises from the aforementioned argument is whether a non-writer would lack completely developed views on anything non-trivial. Some, however, believe they do, especially if they are not accustomed to critically analysing their own thought processes. If one would never put their thoughts to that test, they would never have completely developed ideas.


The writer concludes by saying that putting one’s thoughts into words doesn't necessarily make them true. However, while ideas may appear finished one realises they are not when they  attempt to describe them. Therefore, even if writing is not a required condition, it is certainly an essential one.

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When you write on a subject you are familiar with, you frequently discover that you did not understand it as well as you believed. It's challenging to put thoughts into writing. The first words you choose are typically wrong; you have to keep editing sentences until they are excellent. Additionally, your notions will be both deficient and ambiguous. About 50 percent of the ideas you had while writing an essay will be included in it. Yes, that's why I write them.

After something has been published, it is common to presume that it was accurate. These were your ideas, which you have just expressed. You understand, however, that this is false. You are aware of the impact that speaking your thoughts out has on them. not just the ideas you've recorded on paper. Others must have proven to be beyond repair, in which case you disposed of them.

Writing is challenging since it needs precision as well as committing your thoughts to clear words. The real exam will be reading what you've written. You must present yourself as a detached reader who has no prior knowledge of what you were thinking as you read what you wrote. When he reads what you wrote, does it seem accurate to you? Does it seem to be finished? If you make the effort, you can read your writing aloud to someone else, and when you do, the results are frequently disappointing. It takes me many rounds to get an essay past the stranger. However, since the stranger is knowledgeable, if you ask, you can always fulfill his desires. If he wasn't pleased because you omitted x or failed to qualify a statement sufficiently, then you include x or add further qualifiers. HAPPY NOW? Although you could miss out on certain effective sentences, you must accept it. Simply try to be as kind as you can to the stranger while doing so.

There won't be much discussion over this, I think. I believe it will be in line with the experiences of anybody who has sought to write about anything significant. It's conceivable for certain folks to have well-formed thoughts that easily translate into language. However, I've never met someone who asserted to be able to do this, and if I did, it would appear to be more of a testament to their limitations than to their ability. It's a classic movie cliche where a character claims to have a plan for performing a difficult task before tapping his head and saying, "It's all up here." Everyone who watches the movie will understand what that means. At best, the plan is unclear and weak. It most certainly has a flaw that hasn't been discovered yet that makes it unusable. At best, it's a plan for a plan.

You may build whole concepts in your mind within precisely defined areas. For instance, one can mentally play chess. Mathematicians are also capable of doing certain calculations in their heads, but they frequently lack confidence in proofs that are more than a certain length unless they are explicitly stated in writing. However, it seems that this is only practical for ideas that have a formal language equivalent. These people may be using their minds to translate their ideas into words. I kind of have the ability to write essays in my head. I occasionally have a sentence idea while walking or lying in bed, but it never gets finished. However, I'm genuinely writing when I do this. Even if I'm writing with my thoughts, my fingers aren't moving. [2]

You could still be well-versed in a subject even if you don't write about it. Can you ever know so much that attempting to share it doesn't help you learn more? No, in my opinion. I've written about startups and Lisp hacking, two subjects I know a lot about, and writing about both of them taught me a lot. I was unaware of certain aspects in both circumstances until I had to explain them. In addition, I don't think my situation was unique. A significant portion of knowledge is unconscious information, and experts have greater unconscious knowledge than beginners.

I don't think writing is the best way to research any topic, though. Perhaps the best way to test out your architectural ideas is to create actual structures. I'm attempting to say that no matter how much you learn by investigating ideas in other ways, writing about them will still help you learn new things.

Naturally, verbalizing ideas doesn't necessarily include writing. The traditional mode of communication also functions. But in my perspective, the writing portion of the test is harder. You must select a single, efficient wording arrangement. You may speak less when your voice cannot communicate meaning. You can concentrate at a level that would be seen as excessive in conversation as well. I typically spend two weeks working on an essay and go through 50 drafts. It can be an indication of a mental condition if you did it during a discussion. Of course, if you're lazy, neither talking nor writing will help. However, if you want to challenge yourself to do things properly, writing is the hill to climb.

As a result of the fact that it leads to another idea that many people would find shocking, this very straightforward idea has been around for a while. No one has fully formed opinions about a subject they haven't written about, if putting your thoughts on paper always makes them clearer and more complete. A non-writer also lacks fully formed opinions on anything other than minor issues.

Particularly if they are not accustomed to critically analyzing their own mental processes, they tend to think they do. Ideas could seem to be done. When you try to describe them, you realize they aren't. Therefore, if you never put your ideas to the test, you'll never have fully formed concepts or be aware of it.

Thoughts are not always true just because they are expressed verbally. In no way. But even if it isn't a prerequisite, it is still a necessary one.


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